Thursday, April 9, 2009


Ever get tired of lugging guide books around, circling "hot spots" that are sure to inject some level of uniqueness into a holiday? I often find that I stock up on guide books, and hardly ever refer to them once I get to my destination, leaving me with the sometimes anti-climactic tourist spots that everyone visits. Now if you've never been to, say... Paris, or seen the Mona Lisa in the Louvre, then it might be worth your while to pay her a visit. However, if you've trekked around the Louvre, taken candids at the Eiffel Tower, and walked the Champs-Élysées then you may want to base your next Paris trip around something a little different.

That's where Joobili comes in. It's designed to give you a list of events (arts, cultural, sports, food and drinks...yay!, etc.) that match your designated travel dates, giving you a chance to explore the city or country of your choice the way the locals do. I'm keen on trying it out the next time I take a trip to Europe, and I've already got my sights set on a few events. There are things both familiar (depending on your knowledge of them): the Galway Oyester Festival, or Glastonbury, and obscure: The Spirit of Speyside Whiskey Festival and Fragrances of May (a festival devoted to the herbs sage, fennel, and nettle) in Croatia.

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